Kwezi Zithutha

“Being part of the Ubuchule program has really helped me a lot.” “It has been the driver of bridging the gap of what I learnt at school and what is going to be required of me in practice. It has been a very fun experience. It’s been a very great learning experience.”...

Hlobisile Treasure Ngwenya

“The simulations not only brought a bigger picture of what was expected of me in practice, but were a form of extra exercise that contributed to my academic success” “Theoretical knowledge is not the only factor that measures your level of competency when you are...

Dineo Nkadimeng

“The program has been an amazing experience. I believe I have grown professionally and personally as an individual.” “My takeaway is how we learnt to apply knowledge in the field that we specialise in, which is Taxation” “I believe the program was successful in...

Hopolang Mollo

“The program made me understand that in my work readiness I needed to have a good grasp of the basics.” “The wellness program that was offered by the Ubuchule program has boded very well for me on a personal level. Nicole has helped me A LOT with finding mental...

Sibusiso Mlangeni

“I was fortunate enough to be part of the Ubuchule program and I would never trade it for anything as the skills that I’ve learnt through this program have made me the better professional that I am today.” “It gave me a form of security when I needed it in terms of...